Category: Fitness

You can’t afford not to!

I write an article every week. Sometimes it’s diet or workout tips, or how to stay motivated. But sometimes, something will happen and I get


It’s an important question to ask yourself regarding your health. “Why should I try to eat healthy?”, “Why should I exercise?”, “Why should I try

What’s your “Why”?

Did you know that less than 8% of people who make New Year’s resolutions actually keep them? That could be because of a number of

What it’s all about….

My client Denny and I  just had our third anniversary of training Friday (kindly send your gifts to this address 🙂 ). We did all

What are you waiting for?

An article of tough love Successful people face just as many obstacles and challenges as everyone else. They’ve just decided to overcome them. “Not trying”

Is this an up-hill battle!?

Don’t get me wrong, I love what I do. I am actually one of those people who says if I won the lottery – I

Try, try and fail again

“I would never cheat on you, and it feels good knowing that you would never cheat on me,” you say to your girlfriend. “Well, I’ll

“Take a Break?!”

All of us trainers have heard that statement from our clients from time to time. Our answer for why you shouldn’t sometimes fall on deaf