“Take a Break?!”
All of us trainers have heard that statement from our clients from time to time. Our answer for why you shouldn’t sometimes fall on deaf
All of us trainers have heard that statement from our clients from time to time. Our answer for why you shouldn’t sometimes fall on deaf
Is this you?….. Stages for Adopting Healthy Behavior The biggest hurdle of a Personal Trainer is to get our clients to realize the importance of
The plague of the 21st century When are we going to wake up? The obesity rate in the United States is growing by 1-2% every
Wouldn’t you love a magic pill that could make you live 8 years longer or more!!!? You would take it wouldn’t you? Why not?
Whenever we sit down with a client for the first time during a consultation, we ask “what are your goals?”. Usually, the answer is to
As we age, muscle proteins are being broken down daily at the rate of 1-2% (which lowers metabolism, weakens bones, etc.). We can reverse this
That is one of my all time favorite motivational quotes. It really connected with me the first time I heard it. I never really felt
Many people who want to lose body fat think it is simply about burning off more calories than you consume. We call that the “Calculator”
The secret to turning Small Steps into Big Success Keys to focus on: Big life improvements start with simple changes practiced daily/weekly. The best way
Fighting Spirit “Quality of mindset, determines quality of behavior.” The above quote epitomizes Donna Lilla. Those of you, who are part of the DTC family,
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